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Which community to focus on?

During the empathy phase, we initially thought of many communities to focus on. We wrote down a large list of communities that we could...

Coming up with ideas

During this phase, our group had already defined our problem - Elderly who has weak knees and are using walking canes require an...

Learning Points

Throughout the journey in making Tsue, it was full of ups and downs. At first, we experienced difficulties in getting primary information...

Tried And Tested

We had the privilege of having Nicolette’s grandmother test out our prototype. She was able to make use of the functions easily and also...

Final End Product

With our collective hard work and teamwork put into our prototyping process, TSUE's Walking Cane was finally made. Old version - Lack of...

Time To Get Handy

We wanted to work on a prototype to solve the problem as soon as possible but we were worried that we might make some mistakes. Hence, we...

Defining the problem

After identifying the specific community in need (the elderly with walking difficulties) through our information gathered from the...

Empathy Map!

We attempted to engage with the elderly by contacting organizations that worked with elderly. However, we were rejected after many...

Design Journal: Blog2

©2019 by Tsue

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