Throughout the journey in making Tsue, it was full of ups and downs.
At first, we experienced difficulties in getting primary information from the community as there was a severe lack of responses from the elderly with walking cane whom we approached in public. To overcome this problem, we observed and made notes on how the elderly used their canes to move. We also interviewed our grandparents who have walking difficulties. By doing so, we managed to collect relevant information that is useful for our design thinking process.
Besides that, we initially thought of making foldable/retractable mechanism for the handles. However, the mechanism was too complicated to be made within a few days. As a team, we brainstormed on the alternative mechanisms that could work on the handles. We made two handle prototypes and concluded that the handles with a turning mechanism would be the best fit for the walking cane.
From this journey, we have gained many learning points: - We gained insights about the elderly community
- We bonded as a the team
- We learned to persevere in the midst of adversity
- We acquired skills and applied our knowledge during our time in Makers Academy (taught by the instructors there)
- We learned that we should look at the social issue from the perspective of the community first rather than from our perspective